Saturday, July 31, 2010

Daily Post Forty-Two: Macarons!

I decided to try to make a loli staple, french macarons.
We (My friend Katie and I) Used a recipe from Family Fun magazine. Here's how they went~!
There is all of the materials for the cookies (not the filling).
Sifting the almond flour took FOREVER.
Then we whipped the eggs.
After adding the almond flour and powdered sugar, it looked like this.
Then we piped them into circles and set them to bake for 10 minutes. (Lol, you can see my feet's reflection)
"They aren't supposed to be fluffy, right?" "Whatever."
Finally, we piped in some filling (buttercream icing) and sandwiched them up.
Now, they don't look like traditional macarons, and they aren't that pretty, but they were so so delicious, and that definitely made up for that. They were so delicious that there aren't even any left now XD
Thank you for reading <3

Friday, July 30, 2010

Daily Post Forty-One: Brb World, I'm Watching Kuroshitsuji II

It's an obsession.
(random images from google~)
I'll post for realz tomorrow because I'm leaving for camp for two weeks on sunday, so tomorrow will be my last post for a while.
Thanks for reading <3

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daily Post Forty: Mini Golf and Arcade Super Mini Meet

I was supposed to meet up with a couple of lolitas today, but they both couldn't make it, so it was just Manda and myself.
Nonetheless, it was a ton of fun, and here are some pictures: (and gasp! they have actual people's faces in them!)
We waited for a long time on this bench...
Then, upon realizing we were the only two, we went and played mini golf.
We only played about half of the course because it was super duper hot outside, so we went inside to get slushies and play arcade games.
Myself on the motorcycle game right before we played (I was really, really bad at it..)
We played the zombie shooting game about 3 times (which is a lot because it's a long game XD) and it was SO FUN zOMG.
Manda had enough tickets to get a plushie for her sister (who is the owner of "Otaku Fun Time") and I luffled that plushie so much.
Then we took outfit shots and went home.
My outfit rundown:
Headband: Made by me
Shirt: Forever 21
Overskirt: Wet Seal
Underskirt: Bodyline
Socks: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Macy's
Thank you for reading <3

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daily Post Thirty-Nine: Test JSK finished!

Today, I invited a few friends over for a pre-otakon sewing party (even though I'm not going >_<) 
And I had time to finish up my test JSK! I like it a lot, even though it's not perfect. I think it will be perfect for guro lolita that I'm planning to do for Halloween (I'm sure that I'll post about that later!
Of course, Pics or it didn't happen:
Closeup of the bodice:
Sorry it's on the awkwardly-boobed dress form, I wasn't too happy with the pictures that I was in.
I'm fairly happy with this dress, but I know I can do better >_<
Thanks for reading <3

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Daily Post Thirty-Eight: JSK Project Update~

I finished the mock-up of the skirt portion of my JSK today.
I made a light muslin version first, just to make sure the pattern's skirt was full enough to accommodate a petticoat.
Making this test skirt, I realize that I need to add about two or three inches to each pattern piece (which will result in an extra eight to twelve inches on the skirt). This will give the skirt the right size so that it will support enough pouf XD My next step is to make a mock-up of the bodice, so you might just see that tomorrow~ 
Thank you for reading <3

Monday, July 26, 2010

Daily Post Thirty: Seven: Loli-Able Manga, pt. 2, Vampire Knight Volumes 7&8

To continue my quest for some more loli-able manga, I decided to take a trip to the more gothic side with Vampire Knight.
It's really popular right now, and I'm sure that if you're an anime fan you have heard of it. However, I do think that it's definetly looked over as a very loli-applicable manga! So here is a review of Vampire Knight volumes 7&8  (because I had already read the first 6 and these two are fresh in my mind) written and drawn by Matsuri Hino~
Art: I LOVE the art in this manga. I love everything from the character's faces to the architectural detail. All of the characters are very, very pretty~ I don't have too much else to say on this matter, so to be brief: I basically read this manga because the art is so great.
Story: I am really torn on whether or not I am really happy with the plot of VK. I find it interesting, and not overtly cliche. However, I find that it can be incredibly confusing at times, especially when a character is introduced without a proper explanation as to who they are, and I also find that many of the characters look similar to each other. I find that when not confusing, however, that the plot is engaging and keeps it fresh and not dull.
Why a lolita would like it: The primary reason a loli would like this is the clothes. Especially in the bonus art between chapters, there are many beautiful designs worthy of Altier Boz and Alice and the Pirates. I find that even the school uniform has a very aristocratic feel to it, if you discount the traditional pleated skirts. The outfits alone entertain me for the incredibly confusing spells that I sometimes face reading this series, XD. And of course, there is almost nothing more gothic than some real, blood-sucking vampires.
Overall, I really liked this manga, and I think I would recommend it for anyone that likes stories of romantic tension and lots of eye candy :D
Thank you for reading <3

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Daily Post Thirty-Six: How do you Pull That Off?

That is a question that a lot of my friends ask me. 
And first, you have to wonder, what makes people able to "pull off" a certain thing? Is it some deep-ridden spirit that allows you to? Is it that you have to look a certain way to wear it? The answer to these is no.
In fact, you can "pull off" whatever you want! The only key to wearing what you want is to have confidence in what you're wearing! I personally like to pretend that everywhere I go is my own personal runway, and the people are only staring because that's what runways are for! Now, I might just be being silly, but I find that it makes me feel more comfortable wearing whatever I want.
So, I suppose the conclusion is, whether you're wearing pajamas or OTT, as long as you are confident you can "pull it off"!
Thank you for reading <3

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Daily Post Thrity- Four: Cute Dress up Game Website!

I love dress up games soo much.
And if you're a regular on egl, you'd know that this website for dress up games was recently posted:
And after about an hour of just making little lolita avatars, I decided to share some I made.
This is intended to be myself wearing purple milky planet :3
The concept for this was "How much pink stuff can I cram onto one avatar?" I personally think I succeeded.
Well, I don't have too much more time, so
Thank you for reading <3

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Daily Post Thrity-Two: Walking Tour, Part 2

Continuing from the previous post, here are some more pictures from my walking tour.
 Next we visited the shrine of the blessed mother, which was RIGHT next to a highway only hidden by some trees.
This was the only picture I got that you could see the entire thing..
The statue of Mary...
Then we walked under a bridge, and then walked some more, and we saw a ton of really cool graffiti.

 Then we headed back to the main building! 
Thank you for reading <3

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daily Post Thirty-One: Pictures from a Walking Tour

I don't have much time until today technically ends so I need to be quick.
So, I signed up for the walking tour of part of the city as my writing camp field trip, which was very fun overall but very tiring as well.
The fountian was the first stop, which featured snorting turtles.
This was a large portion of the group~
Then we walked and walked and walked through a ton of little quirky streets.
I've never seen one of these IRL so it was really cool XP
We saw possibly the most reputable looking child care center I have ever seen...
And a cute little Italian Market.
So, that is all of the pictures I have time for tonight, but I will continue tomorrow.
Thank you for reading <3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Daily Post Thirty: Big Sewing Project!

I'm starting to make myself a JSK.
I've always wanted to start a really big project that I'll actually wear and be proud to wear, so that project starts now!
Here is the sketch:
The text reads "I'm not sure if I'll add these" by the ruffle cap sleeves, then "either a waistband or a ribbon" by the waist.
Here is the pattern I'm using:
And finally, the fabric I am using!
I really like the fabric I'm using, so I'm pretty excited!
Thank you for reading <3

Monday, July 19, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Nine: Two Outfits!

Because my camera cord was lost yesterday, I didn't get to post my outfits.
So here are two for you!
Yesterday's outfit:
Shirt: Rue 21
Overskirt: Wet seal
Underskirt: Bodyline
Necklace: vintage
Shoes: Macy's
And tomorrow's outfit!
Shirt: Forever 21
Bolero: Rue 21
Skirt: Khol's
Shoes: Seen above
Thank you for reading <3

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Eight: Sparkly Jars~

I made some new jars to organize my room.
Well, I didn't make the jars, I bought them and decorated them, and here are some pictures, and I'll post a tutorial when I'm not feeling lazy.
And after! (sorry for the terrible webcam pic)
Thank you for reading <3

Friday, July 16, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Seven: Super Fast Blogging Action GO

I have to be fast, because I'm leaving in about ten minutes. 
So, have a few pictures taken by me on my day trip to Erie last week:
Thank you for reading <3

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Six: First Friday of Writing Camp Outfit

Yup, moar. 
A pretty simple outfit for friday, because tonight I'm packing for camping this weekend... which I just realized that it is going to be almost impossible to post. But if it is going to be possible, then I will post! 
Shirt: JCPenny's
Skirt: Khol's
Mary Janes (not pictured): Macy's
Headband: ??
Thank you for reading <3

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Daily Post Twenty- Five: Outfits? MOAR

Again, I know. 
I think that this is a really fun challenge for me, to get at least five nice casual co-ords in a row :3
This one is not too special, and I'm kind of sad my pinks don't match, but I think that it'll work.
Shirt: JCPenny's
Shoes: Dr.Sholl's
Skirt: Bodyline
Bolero: Deb
Wrist cuffs: Made by me :3
Thank you for reading <3

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Four: Tired of Outfit Posts Yet?

Because I have another for you! 
Shirt and Headband: Rue 21
Socks: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Macy's
Shrug, Belt, Headband: ??
Thank you for reading <3

Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Post Twenty-Three: Writing Camp Day Two!

"Princess Emily" is my writing camp nickname.
In order to keep this reputation up, I decided to deco my notebook, and I set out my outfit for tomorrow~
My notebook~ Stickers, rhinestones, and lace.
And my outfit for tomorrow, along with my notebook and pencil case.
Sorry for the short post, but if you haven't figured out yet, I'm incredibly lazy person.
Thank you for reading <3