This isn't going to be an article about feeling good about yourself.
I've read plenty of magnificent articles on the subject by many magnificent lolita bloggers, but that is not what I am writing about today. Today, I'm writing about how the personal ideals for a lolita differ so greatly from your "average" girl. At camp recently, I have come in close experience with how normal girls want to be. I had a ton of time to talk about these kind of things with my friends there, and two very interesting ideals showed themselves clearly to me.
The first ideal that a normal girl has that a lolita does not is striving to have a perfect tan. I heard endless chatter about how much the girls had tanned, what their tan lines were like, and how they wanted to improve their tans. As a redhead, I find tanning rather useless normally, but I also do as a lolita. Myself, like many other lifestylers, try to dress more modestly, even outside of lolita. (By modestly, I generally mean wearing longer shorts and tops without a low cut) I find that when I dress in some sort of casual lolita every day, it doesn't matter if I have a great bathing suit tan, because I'm all covered! Even disregarding the dispute on whether or not lolitas need to be pale, I find that tanning is the least priority for a lolita, opposed to the highest priority for a normal girl.
-Part II tomorrow-
Thank you for reading <3
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