Friday, January 1, 2010

Why, Hello There. Happy New Year.

I'm Emily, but you probably know that if you're reading this. If you don't know, I'm a fourteen year old from Western Pennsylviania. I have an intrest in lots of things, which is why I want to start a blog. It's good writing practice, and I hope to possibly inform, and perhaps entertain you a little.
Most every year, me and my family drive over across the state to Philadelphia, where my mom's side of the family lives. So, considering I got a brand-new camera, I took a lot of pictures. So here is a brief summary of my holiday trip to Philly.
For some reason, I didn't get any pictures of the ride there, but I did take a couple of the main event of the night: the gift exchange. All of the adults put in to buy my grandparents some nice new beach chairs. I got some gifts along with my cousins, too. ;D
The next day or so, my aunt and I headed across the bridge- To the art museum. I was very excited, because I recently learned that one of my favorite artists has peices there- Edgar Degas.
You may recognize this one (I sure hope you do).
This is an incredibly blurry picture of myself trying to copy the statue.

We saw lots of other pretty things.
Then we headed back to New Jersey.
I got a tripod at target the next day, but I obviously didn't take pictures of that >.>
Then, my grandfather took us down to the edge of the river, and even though there wasn't any snow on the ground, because the water is right there, it covers everything, and it freezes, and the effects are stunning.
Feel free to oooh and aaah.

I took about 100 more, but I'm sure that's enough for you.
So, after our very nice trip, we finally headed home on New Year's Eve.

When I got home, I went down to the China Bistro (I'd give you the website, but I'll save your sanity)

April is going to kill me for that picture.
But then I abducted her and we went to my other friend's house and we played improv games and counted down off of the google countdown. XD
I took a bunch of crappy photographs of that, and you don't want to see them, I'm sure.
So- that's it.
New Year!


  1. Interesting, I want to see what you make of this blog Emily! It could go millions of directions from here.

  2. Thanks!
    I'll probably post whatever comes to mind, ha.
